2013-present | Professor | College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, China |
2013-2015 | University Lecturer | Department of Chemistry, University of Aberdeen, UK |
2010-2013 | Junior Research Fellow | Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK |
2008-2010 | Research Associate | Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK |
2005-2008 | Ph.D | Theoretical Chemistry, Queen's University Belfast |
2002-2005 | M.ENG. | Chemical Engineering, Shanghaijiaotong University |
1998-2002 | B.Sc. | Chemistry, Shanghaijiaotong University |
Alexander Kuznetsov Prize for Theoretical Electrochemistry, the International Society of Electrochemistry (2021)
Chinese National Electrochemistry Youth Award (2019)
Junior Research Fellowship, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge (2010-2013)
Ab initio electrochemistry
Theoretical catalysis
Energy materials
Machine learning
Book Chapters
1. Jun Cheng*, et al., Ab initio modeling of electrochemical interfaces and determination of electrode potentials, in Atomic-Scale Modelling of Electrochemical Systems, John Wiley.
2. Jun Cheng*, et al., Ab initio modeling of semiconductor-water interfaces, in Springer Handbook of Inorganic Photochemistry, Springer.
Invited Reports
11. Invited talk, the online Workshop on Physics and Chemistry of Solid/Liquid Interfaces for Energy Conversion and Storage, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, 2021.
10. Keynote talk, the online nanoGe Spring Meeting 2021: Solar fuels, 2021.
9. Invited talk, the 6th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment ENGE 2020, Jeju, South Korea, 2020
8. Invited talk, Catalysis in time ofCoronavirus – An online webinar series, Catalysis Theory Centre, DTU, Denmark, 2020.
6. Invited talk, the 70th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Durban, South Africa, 2019.
5. Invited lecture, Swiss Symposium and Summer School 2018: Solar Light to Chemical Energy Conversion, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2018.
4. Invited talk, Simulations (and Theory) in Physical Chemistry: an International Kermesse in Paris, Paris, France, 2018.
3. Invited talk, The Electrode Potential in Electrochemistry – A Challenge for Electronic Structure Theory Calculations, a Workshop at Castle Reisensburg, Ulm, Germany, 2017.
2. Invited talk, The CPMD 2017 meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, 2017.
1. Invited talk, the 68th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Providence, RI, USA, 2017.
2016-present | 授课 | 高等能源化学(厦门大学) |
2013-2015 | 英文授课 | 密度泛函的基础理论与应用(阿伯丁大学) |
2014-2015 | 英文授课 | 过渡金属配合物电子结构理论和光谱(阿伯丁大学) |
2013-2015 | 实验指导 | 物理化学实验(阿伯丁大学) |
2013-2015 | 课后指导 | 物理化学(阿伯丁大学) |
2013-2014 | 课后指导 | 数学在化学中的应用(阿伯丁大学) |
2010-2013 | 课后指导 | 量子力学(剑桥大学) |
The Cheng Group